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Thick Ada Binding for OpenGL

The GLFW 3+ Binding

This is a binding for the GLFW library, version 3 and above. It is feature-complete (as of GLFW 3.0.3), meaning that it wraps all functionality available in the GLFW API. To use it, you will need to include the project opengl-glfw.gpr. This project is provided by the Alire crate openglada_glfw.

Before using any GLFW functionality, you have to call GLFW.Init. When you’re done with GLFW, you should call GLFW.Shutdown (this is named terminate in the C API, but as that is a keyword in Ada, it has been renamed).


The major difference between versions 2.x and 3.x of GLFW is that the latter supports multiple windows. The majority of the GLFW API functions need a window handle as parameter now.

The binding exposes this handle as tagged type Window. Its whole interface is object oriented. In order to create a window on your own, you should derive from the Window type, override any callback functions you want to handle, and enable those callbacks. As an example, here is some code that defines a new window type which closes itself when the user presses Escape:

<?prettify lang=ada?>

type My_Window is new Glfw.Windows.Window with null record;

procedure Init (Object : not null access My_Window;
                Width, Height : Glfw.Size;
                Title   : String;
                Monitor : Glfw.Monitors.Monitor := Glfw.Monitors.No_Monitor;
                Share   : access Glfw.Windows.Window'Class := null);

procedure Key_Changed (Object   : not null access My_Window;
                       Key      : Glfw.Input.Keys.Key;
                       Scancode : Glfw.Input.Keys.Scancode;
                       Action   : Glfw.Input.Keys.Action;
                       Mods     : Glfw.Input.Keys.Modifiers);

procedure Init (Object : not null access My_Window;
                Width, Height : Glfw.Size;
                Title   : String;
                Monitor : Glfw.Monitors.Monitor := Glfw.Monitors.No_Monitor;
                Share   : access Glfw.Windows.Window'Class := null) is
   Upcast : Glfw.Windows.Window_Reference
     := Glfw.Windows.Window (Object.all)'Access;
   Upcast.Init (Width, Height, Title, Monitor, Share);
   Object.Enable_Callback (Glfw.Windows.Callbacks.Key);
end Init;

procedure Key_Changed (Object   : not null access My_Window;
                       Key      : Glfw.Input.Keys.Key;
                       Scancode : Glfw.Input.Keys.Scancode;
                       Action   : Glfw.Input.Keys.Action;
                       Mods     : Glfw.Input.Keys.Modifiers) is
   use type Glfw.Input.Keys.Key;
   If Key = Glfw.Input.Keys.Escape then
      Object.Set_Should_Close (True);
   end if;
end Key_Changed;

The package GLFW.Windows has three child packages:


Query information about the available monitors. You can create a fullscreen window by passing a monitor reference to its Init procedure.


Provides the polling procedures Poll_Events and Wait_For_Events. The child packages Mouse and Keys provide the types needed for mouse and keyboard interaction - as the interaction itself is bound to an GLFW window, the event handlers and query functions for the states of these devices have moved to GLFW.Windows.

GLFW.Joysticks is still independent of the window, because joystick input is global.


GLFW 3 introduced an error callback mechanism to be able to better track down errors. You can register an error callback before the obligatory call to GLFW.Init.