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Developer Documentation

This information is only relevant if you would like to contribute to GPS-OSX.

Repository Layout

The GPS sources from AdaCore are contained in the branch upstream. It is an orphan branch with no parents. If AdaCore releases a new version, it will be checked in into upstream and will then be merged into the other branches.

The other two code branches are develop and master. They are childs of upstream. Usually, develop is based upon the latest master revision. I do my work there and then merge it into master, which serves as base for building binaries. If you want to send a pull request, commit your work into develop.

Opening the source code in GPS

To be able to do this, you need to have the jhbuild/gtk-quartz toolchain installed (follow the instruction in the readme file). You also need to build and install GtkAda and XMLAda into the jhbuild directory (usually ~/gtk/inst) and change the ADA_PROJECT_PATH of your GPS app bundle to ~/gtk/inst/lib/gnat so that GPS finds these two libraries (see the Usage page). Before opening the source, you should navigate to the source folder in the terminal and execute:

 jhbuild shell
 export GPR_PROJECT_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/gnat
 export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
 ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-python=$PREFIX/bin/python --enable-gpl

This generates the project file gnatlib/gnatcoll_shared.gpr. After that, you should be able to open gps/gps.gpr into GPS. If you want to actually build GPS from inside GPS, well, good luck - I never tried that. A starting point would be, where the lines above are taken from. In addition, you need to figure out what the Makefile does and tell GPS to do exactly that.